Lisa Stone Law, PLLC is a family law firm devoted to strategically resolving clients’ legal challenges with focus, efficiency and compassion. With over 26 years of family court experience, Lisa Johnson Stone and her team work diligently to achieve exceptional results, under the most challenging circumstances.
Divorce/ Legal Separation
We understand the impact of the difficult decision to end your marital relationship. It is a stressful transitional time requiring understanding, protection, information, and patience. We also understand how challenging it can be to process and maneuver a relationship's ending through the family court system. The legal team at Lisa Stone Law, PLLC recognizes clients may feel confused, angry, anxious, hurt, or upset when embarking on a divorce or legal separation. Being able to communicate confidentially, with an attorney who can strategically and empathetically address your interests allows you to have confidence your well-being is always kept front and center so you can move forward and get on with your life. Our goal at Lisa Stone Law, PLLC is to help you successfully navigate the legal system as your advocate and to give you experienced guidance and accurate information, so you can make informed decisions about your legal matter. Discussing your rights and responsibilities during this difficult time is best done with a qualified, family law attorney and experienced legal team. If you are thinking about a divorce, please contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your rights and responsibilities.
Legal Decision Making (Custody)/Parenting Time
In Arizona, what is tantamount in custody matters is a child’s best interest. Legal decision making (custody) relates to major parenting decisions such as medical, education and religious upbringing. Parenting time once known as visitation, is the time spent by each parent with the minor child(ren). Sole legal decision making (sole custody) is the decision-making process where major decisions regarding a child or children are made by one parent. Joint legal decision making (joint custody) is the decision-making process where major decisions regarding the child or children are made by both parents. Major decisions are typically medical, educational, religious, and personal care decisions. At Lisa Stone Law, PLLC, we will help you craft a parenting plan that considers agreements reached by both parents and your children’s needs. In contested situations when parents do not agree, we carefully discuss the facts of a situation and Arizona legal decision making and parenting time statutes to determine what the most appropriate arrangement is for parents and child(ren). Custody cases are very emotional, time consuming and often, very expensive. Frequently, ancillary professionals can be appointed by the court to assist the court in obtaining evaluative data regarding families. Working with an experienced lawyer to assist in determining the risks of your case, assisting in negotiating settlement or, if necessary, litigating is important. Please contact Lisa Stone Law, PLLC today for an initial consultation to discuss your rights and responsibilities.
Spousal Maintenance/ Alimony
Spousal maintenance, a.k.a. alimony is the payment of monies from one spouse to the other as a means of support. In Arizona, spousal maintenance is based on Arizona statute. The Arizona court may order spousal maintenance as a part of divorce proceedings if certain legal factors are met. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 25-319, the court may grant an award of spousal maintenance if the court determines that the spouse seeking an award of spousal maintenance Lacks sufficient property, including property apportioned to the spouse, to provide for that spouse's reasonable needs; Is unable to be self-sufficient through appropriate employment or is the custodian of a child whose age or condition is such that the custodian should not be required to seek employment outside the home or lacks earning ability in the labor market adequate to be self-sufficient; Has made a significant financial or other contribution to the education, training, vocational skills, career or earning ability of the other spouse; Had a marriage of long duration and is of an age that may preclude the possibility of gaining employment adequate to be self-sufficient; of Has significantly reduced that spouse's income or career opportunities for the benefit of the other spouse. If any of these criteria are met, the Court will do further analysis and evaluate many additional factors to determine the amount and duration of a spousal maintenance award.
Some of the factors considered are such as each spouse's incomes, length of marriage, availability of health insurance, comparative financial resources, employment history and standard of living enjoyed during the marriage. Spousal maintenance can be a complex issue and should not be taken for granted. Seeking the advice of an experienced attorney is the best defense in determining your rights and responsibilities either as a potential payor or potential recipient.
Child Support
Child support can be a challenging task for any parent. Many factors can impact a child support amount. In Arizona, child support is calculated pursuant to the Arizona Child Support Guidelines. Child support is also modifiable under circumstances. Seeking the advice of a qualified attorney may help you better understand your rights and responsibilities.
In any relocation case, the Court must apply Arizona law to determine whether one parent’s relocation to another state with the child(ren) will be permitted. Relocations are challenging cases for all involved. Relocations can be very emotional and time consuming. Seeking the advice of a qualified attorney will help you navigate your way through this difficult process.
Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation
Alternative Dispute Resolution is the term for a full range of methods where parties can resolve their disputes or conflicts amicably and reasonably and without the need for a trial. These services can be voluntary or court ordered and can be achieved through Court services or with the use of private mediators. To the extent it is possible, Lisa works diligently to settle matters out of court. Lisa prefers the use of private settlement conferences and private mediation to resolve conflict. However, settlement is not always possible, and from time to time, matters must go to court. In those rare situations when resolution is not possible, Lisa is a highly skilled litigator, with over 26 years of trial experience in family court.
Substantial Marital Estates
Lisa recognizes every case is unique and each matter requires personal attention and exceptional diligence. As a legal strategist, Lisa will personally evaluate your case, develop methods best suited for your matter and help you map a path towards resolution and a better future. Whether private mediation or private arbitration to ensure the highest level of privacy or litigation when settlement is unattainable, Lisa is internationally trained in negotiation and mediation. Lisa and her legal team ensure the highest level of discretion for all her clients, recognizing that high profile clients and clients with substantial marital estates have unique needs. Lisa has a broad network of financial, valuation, private investigation, estate planning, real estate, asset protection and business litigation experts at her disposal to assist in representing clients with substantial and complex marital estates.
Modifications and Enforcements
Modifications and enforcement of parenting time, child support, spousal maintenance and other post Decree and post Judgment issues are typically encountered after a Decree of Dissolution, Legal Separation, Annulment or Judgment is entered by the Court. These matters normally address the modification or enforcement of existing court orders or agreements. If you have questions about modifying or enforcing an existing order, please contact us for a consultation to discuss your rights and responsibilities.
Simple to Complex Litigation
Lisa is an experienced trial attorney. She has represented countless clients in court with a broad spectrum of issues, ranging from simple dissolution and child support matters to highly complex financial, dissolution of marriage, legal decision making/parenting time and post decree modification and enforcement issues. Lisa enjoys representing clients in simple and complex family law matters. Please call Lisa Stone Law, PLLC today to schedule your free, initial consultation with Lisa Stone.
Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial a.k.a. premarital agreements establish spouses' property and financial rights and responsibilities in the event of a divorce. The agreements are entered into prior to marriage. While no husband or wife contemplate a divorce when marrying, statistically, over 50% of U.S. marriages end in divorce. Prenuptial agreements can greatly minimize the adversarial nature and high cost often associated with divorce. Ensuring a premarital agreement is drafted properly is critical to ensuring it withstands any legal challenge in the event of a divorce. Poorly written premarital agreements or “form” prenuptial agreements can cause significant problems for spouses at the time of the divorce. Making the investment in having an experienced attorney write or review your prenuptial agreement will assist in protecting your assets and help prevent future risk and exposure.